Ariel House – Legal Exec Suites

Ariel House – 8118 Datapoint Dr, San Antonio, TX 78229 – Opulent is the word for this historical house location on a hill in the Medical Center.

Management here makes an effort to remind both practitioners and the public that it is a continued presence in the legal community for decades.    Their Christmas parties were legendary.  This is often the site for meet and greet of candidates in judicial races.

Luminaries and Mentors include Bruce J. Mery,  Michael O’Connor,  Larry A. Bruner, etc.






San Antonio Legal Executive Suites

Following is a non-comprehensive list of Executive Suites that are All*-Lawyer

Ariel House – 8118 Datapoint Dr, San Antonio, TX 78229 – Opulent is the word for this historical house location on a hill in the Medical Center.

Chulie Offices, located near 410 and 281, near the Sunset exit.  Advertised as “TURNKEY” LEGAL OFFICES, these offices are well located and practical.

Alliance Virtual Offices put the “virtual” in virtual office space.   Their location is at the Forum Building on I-10 N, near Callaghan.  There are several lawyers and law related companies using this address, often without any other physical presence in San Antonio.  Therefore, if your preference is having an address in San Antonio, while  living in Dallas, Los Angeles, or on the beach in Cancun, this may be




* Or mostly all lawyer- they may have some support services like Private Investigator offices as well.